Good news/Bad news

So I had my yearly scopes last week.

Just a reminder for those that don’t know, I have FAP, a genetic defect that causes me to grow polyps, lots of polyps, and they’re the type that turn to cancer unfortunately (adenomas).  For this reason I had my colon removed 10 years ago due to these risks.

So yearly I get the remaining bit of my colon (rectum) scoped and my duodenum as well via an upper scope.  During this years scopes they actually found about 6 polyps in the rectum (not great), none in the duodenum (good), 20 in my stomach (not so good) and a few in the beginning of my small intestine (not great at all).

So my doc called tonight.  The biopsies came back and the polyps in the rectum, stomach and small intestine were all adenomas, the type that can and will turn to cancer.  They were all removed which is good but not all of the small intestine can be viewed during this scope, in fact only 2 out of 25 feet can be viewed.  So the rest is kind of an unknown at this point.

The concern is what might be going on in the un-viewable areas.  For this reason my doc wants to do a camera pill.  This is a camera you swallow that takes pictures as it travels through your entire digestive tract.  So we’re working on scheduling that soon.

Also not good is the formation of adenomas in my stomach.  In fact, adenomas in the stomach and small intestine are both not common with FAP.  So I guess I’m special.

I worry about things progressing and getting more aggressive.  I’ve heard of stomach polyps getting so numerous that they can’t all be removed.  If that happens to me it could be very difficult to manage and might require the removal of my stomach.  Not good!

And if polyps that can turn to cancer continue to grow in my small intestine it just means more procedures for me.  It looks like a camera pill every other year and if anything looks suspicious, then a single balloon endoscopy procedure used to visualize the entire small intestine would be required.  Kind of wanted to avoid this procedure as it has risks.

So in general I’m feeling a little bummed tonight as the news was not as good as I had hoped.  Its still way better then many are dealing with and I am sure I will have my head around this soon.  Just need a day or so.

Well, enough with the bad news.  The good news!!! I’m in the best shape of my life and continue to push it racing mountain bikes .  I have a new bike being built and delivered this week and I have a feeling this new news is going to push me a little harder.  Personal records here I come.

4 thoughts on “Good news/Bad news”

  1. I think you’re handling this news amazingly well. I have a scope coming up in mid June that I’m not looking forward to. Have fun with the new bike – be sure to post some pics on FB

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