Fasting and Scopes…

It’s the morning of scopes and I feel like shit.  For some reason this never gets any easier.  You would think the act of consuming nothing buy clear liquids for 36 hours would get easy but for me it doesn’t.  Once the steady stream of protein and carb digestion ends, the body just starts to go off, no matter how much sugar based energy you feed it.

Yesterday afternoon was extra fun because I hit a complete energy low around 6 pm then started to develop a migraine.  Luckily, my realization that I could take tylenol saved me and a double dose of it allowed my headache to go away while I slept.

The feeling now the morning of is different.  My body has given up on the whole idea of food and is just kind of getting by.  I feel week and dizzy.  But its the home stretch, so its bearable.  In a couple hours I will be on my way to my scopes and it will all be over soon.  All part of having FAP and being diligent and watching for any changes yearly.

I don’t think I consciously worry excessively about the results of the scope because generally things are in check, any changes are small and nothing is usually alarming.  I think subconsciously I do freak a little.  It would be nice to have no adenoma findings in my stomach, an area that is common to have non cancer producing polyps in FAP, but finding adenoma’s there could be a problem if they become widespread.  So cross the fingers and hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Give me some good drugs, scope me on both ends and send me home all druggy to sleep most of the day.  Pretty much just along for the ride here.

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